1 min read

Nest.JS | Monads

A monad is a design pattern and a mathematical structure that is used to model computations in a functional programming paradigm. It is a…
Nest.JS | Monads

A monad is a design pattern and a mathematical structure that is used to model computations in a functional programming paradigm. It is a way of composing computations in a way that separates the concerns of handling the flow of data and the logic of the computation.

A monad is a type of container that wraps a value and provides a set of methods, such as map, flatMap, chain, etc. that allow you to transform the value and chain multiple computations together. The methods provided by a monad make it easy to reason about the flow of data and the logic of the computation, and make it possible to write code that is easy to understand and maintain.

The most common use of monads is to handle side-effects, such as handling errors, I/O, state, and non-determinism. Monads are a way of abstracting the handling of side-effects away from the core logic of the program, making it easier to test and reason about the program.

Some examples of monads are Maybe Monad, Either Monad, IO Monad, List Monad, State Monad, Identity Monad, Reader Monad, and Writer Monad. Each one of these monads have a specific purpose, for example, Maybe Monad is used for handling nullable values, Either Monad is used for handling errors, IO Monad is used for handling I/O operations, State Monad is used for handling state, and so on.

Let’s check these monads: