MongoDB | Remove old data
Today we will be looking at how to remove old records in MongoDB based on X days. Before we do anything, we need to generate a list of…
Today we will be looking at how to remove old records in MongoDB based on X days. Before we do anything, we need to generate a list of documents for the database:
event: 'pageview',
userId: 'user1',
createdAt: new Date('July 1, 2022 14:10:00'),
// more documents here
event: 'pageview',
userId: 'user10',
createdAt: new Date('July 10, 2022 11:22:00'),
For this example, we have 10 documents. We need to remove documents that are older than X days :
createdAt: {
$lt: new Date(today - X days)
and for sure we must write a Cron job to do this.
cron "0 0 0 * * *" do
createdAt: {
$lt: new Date(today - X days)
Start Cron at 12:00 AM every day. You can use npm package to do this.
npm install cron
example of cron.js:
const { CronJob } = require('cron');
const job = new CronJob(
'0 0 0 * * *',
(() => {
createdAt: {
$lt: new Date(today - X days),
Let’s automate it without programming Cron.
createdAt: 1,
}, {
expireAfterSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7,
That’s all we need to do. Simple, right? :)
For more information about MongoDB TTL indexes, please visit Expire Data from Collections by Setting TTL.
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